DODSFERD / WARFORGED - Anthems of Desecration and Demise
DODSFERD / WARFORGED - Anthems of Desecration and Demise
DODSFERD / WARFORGED - Anthems of Desecration and Demise
R$ 20,00
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CD Simples (Caixa Acrílica).
ANO: 2015
PAÍS: Greece / Brasil
ESTILO: Raw Black Metal
SELO: Pagan War

01.Fucking Your Creation
02.You Called it Resurrection; I Call it Fairytale for Human Parasites, Your Kind!
03.I Can Easily Destroy All the Things I’ve Created
04.When the Brave Are Silent
05.Heretic Path
06.A Warrior with Empty Eyes
07.Eternal Fight