DEATH SLAUGHTER - Resurrection of an Antediluvian Demon
DEATH SLAUGHTER - Resurrection of an Antediluvian Demon
DEATH SLAUGHTER - Resurrection of an Antediluvian Demon
R$ 30,00
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CD Simples (Caixa Acrílica).
ANO: 2018
PAÍS: SP/Brasil
ESTILO: Black / Thrash / Speed Metal with Doom influences
SELO: Cianeto Discos / ABC Terror / D.F.L.

01.Resurrection of an Antediluvian Demon
03.Old Mother
04.Woman of Dark Desires (Bathory cover)
05.Post-Modern Bigotry
06.Bootleg Live - Deathcharge Songs
07. Video (Making of)

Count Demönlust: Guitars, Bass, Vocals, Keyboards.